Some of the best t things about NYCC, sometimes aren't physically at NYCC. Usually there are tons of parties, kick-offs, welcome & leaving events ... you get the point.
Tonight's goodness was time well spent celebrating the recent works and opening night of artist, Camilla D'Errico's
Candy Escape. If you aren't familiar with her, check out my NYCC 2011 interviews with manager/ sister Ada'Pia D'Errico about Camilla's current (at that time) projects.
Not expecting a one on one with Camilla, we arrived at a crowded Cotton Candy Factory, gallery and shop owned by artist Tara McPherson. After a few "excuse me"s and being offered a cold PBR by a gallery employee turned bartender, I arrive at the wall that IS Camilla D'Errico. In awe, since I've been interweb stalking the work's progress online, I didn't even realize Camilla was next to me. Somehow we just kinda noticed each other and gave warm hug greetings and hello's. In a moment of congratulations, however, Camilla took time to give me a bit of insight to the pieces that are celebrated in the show's title "
Candy Escape".

See. I met Camilla 2 years ago at New York Comicon and was a total fangirl. Somehow we got to talk art and kept in touch. Continuing with my fandom, I noticed the projects she was doing, but never saw a lot about gallery exhibits. Aside from it being none of my business, I also never gave it a second thought since all artists don't choose to show in galleries. In fact, though, Camilla explained that she hadn't done any since our initial meeting because it became to overwhelming so she took a break. Continuing on, she shared further that somehow in a break, she was inspired.
Artist, Camilla D'Errico Fangirl: Imani K. Brown
The name "
Candy Escape" is just that. She needed to escape and release. Welp folks, SCORE! These beautifully crafted ladies (drawn in black ink) start melting into colorful gooey goodness. Somehow the simplicity, color, and overall spirit of them all makes me want to join them in this escape.
Though a formal congratulations was given, I can't share ENOUGH! And once again, a HUGE CONGRATS to Camilla on such a brilliant (& SUPER kawaii) show!
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Otaku Time.