Artist Applause #2: One Rule
/We're back with new month of Artist Applause. We didn't get a chance to have a Artist Applause for July due to us traveling for cons. However we do have one right now. This month's artist is a 19 year old residing in New York City. He goes by the name One Rule. I was introduced to One Rule's work by brother Jason. I really like his drawing style and technique on Dragonball Z characters and wanted to learn more about. Without further a due give a round of applause to One Rule.
Otakus & Geeks: Let's start from the very beginning. Do you remember that moment you discover you had the talent and passion for art?
One Rule: For as long as I can remember, I've had a huge passion for art. It's been at least 13 years now. There have been times in my life where I actually didn't love art anymore. I was bored. That phase in my life probably lasted from about 2012-2014. But, I'm now back to where I need to be as far as passion goes. As for the talent... I honestly couldn't tell you when I discovered that haha. While i do have talent, I know for a fact I am no where as good as a want to be. That probably goes for all artists. The fact that I know that there are people out there 10x better than I am, thats what pushes me to get better, while at the same time i do not look at is as a competition. I don't try to get better because I can see that This person or that person is better than me. If i have a need or desire to get better thats simply what it means. I want to improve for myself.
One Rule Working
Otakus & Geeks: Based on your work on Facebook. You do a lot of fan art drawings on Dragonball Z. How would you describe your art style?
One Rule: I do love to draw DragonBall and when I do fan art of series, I prefer to keep it as close to how it actually is as possible. On occasion, I will throw hints of my own style in a piece. As for my own style I am seeking to improve on, i prefer the simple is better approach. I believe you do not need excessive amounts of detail to make a piece look good. When it comes to my own original work, I do not plan on creator too many characters that are excessively bulky like you may see from series such as Fist Of The North Star or Street Fighter. My own style may be more around the lines of a series such as Medaka Box, which is my favorite manga series. Or Akira Toriyama-Sensei's more recent DragonBall style where characters have noticeably slimmed down compared to when they were a lot more bulky during his initial serialization.
Otakus & Geeks: How long does it take you to complete a drawing, painting etc?
One Rule: I draw on 9 x 12in. bristol board vellum paper as of now. As for the amount of time it takes me to finish a single piece... If I'm going to do it in one sitting, it would likely be around 5-7 hours on average. It all depends on the size, complexity, creativity or motivation I have when I make piece of art.
Otakus & Geeks: We understand you're working on a Manga of your own. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
One Rule: Sure! I am currently drafting and making my own original manga called "Sovereignty Reigns." The story will be revolving around 3 beings known as "Holy Dragons," which are the reincarnated souls of Dragons placed into the body of 3 select children during a mothers pregnancy every 1000 years by the God of everything. He has many names, but for simplicity's sake, lets go with Dragon God. 3 may always be reborn but, they all may not awaken. The Dragons themselves will be the all powerful beings of the universe I will be creating. Dragons are my favorite mythological creatures, so I wanted my story to have something to do with them. When it comes to the word sovereignty, the definition I'm using is supreme power, but power comes in many forms. This is a story i am doing for myself. I have no intentions of making a profit going into this and I want the to be something that can be read and enjoyed by anyone.
Otakus & Geeks: Since you draw a lot of anime fan art. We have to ask what is your favorite anime show and movie and why?
One Rule: I don't want to sound cliche but, my favorite anime series of all time is the entirety of DragonBall. All of its parts. That's the series that started it all for me and made my childhood as well as thousands across the globe. My favorite anime movie? That's very hard to think of... I may have to say "The Last: Naruto The Movie" because it was a change of pace for a series I've been with since it first aired in the United States in the early 2000's and then went on to read the manga to completion. It was a story that focused on love. And watching a character grow while you yourself grow alongside him/her and see them fall in love really can get you emotional hahaha.
Majin Vegeta
Otakus & Geeks: When it comes to working on an original art work and creating original characters, locations etc. Can you take us on your creative process? How do you create characters, locations, what inspires you?
One Rule: When it comes to creating a character or location, it all starts with the name. Let's say I created a female character named Nariko, which means Thunder Child. I may give that character yellow or gold hair, a vibrant outfit, or maybe give her a loud, forceful and outspoken personality since thunder is a powerful and very loud noise. I could also go the route where I could give her the power to control thunder, lightning and storm clouds. I give said character or location befitting traits that will tie in with the name i choose. It may not always be like that, but 9 times out of 10 it will be.
Otakus & Geeks: Out of all your work whether original or fan art. Which piece is your favorite one?
One Rule: My favorite drawing I have currently done is probably my Medaka Box drawing. I say that because it is from my favorite manga series but, mainly it was the first time I legitimately drew female characters and after this i more frequent female characters.
Otakus & Geeks: Can you tell us how can readers can follow you?
One Rule: Readers and/or followers can follow me on my 3 main accounts. FaceBook: Instagram: @_OneRule_ Instagram Art Account: @_OneRuleArts_ The art account is an account solely dedicated to my artwork.
Otakus & Geeks: Final words and what's next for One Rule?
One Rule: As for what's next? This is actually a very hard question for me haha. Simply put, I want to be better than I was yesterday. I want people to see and appreciate the work I do. To show and prove to myself that I can create a lore for myself. But, i have to take this journey in strides. Do what I can do and not what somebody else can do. I will be the "One Rule."