Video Interview: Gamer Girl kicks it with Pump It Up Prime at Otakon 2016

Interview by: Young Jeohn

I found Bree being perfect... perfectly good at playing Pump it up Prime, a five foot panel game where you have to coordinate your feet with the arrows as they scroll up the game screen. What we have here is a true Gamer Girl, a gem in a haystack!

The Lolita of Otakon 2013

Remember we did a simple chat on our Girl's Night In podcast? One of the questions was what happens in Lolita communities. While I was able to answer the question, the Lolita activities that happened at Otakon are an even better example. Since the con is currently local to the Baltimore area, members of the local community (Charm City) was able to host a few meet-ups an panels.

Anime conventions are the best excuse ever for lolitas to commune, especially since life happens and everyone's not a lifestyle (or daily) lolita. Among things hosted near Otakon were a swap meet, meet & greet meet-up and a Lolita rush at a candy shop ... It's SUGAR!

Getting down to business, the community hosted two Lolita panels. With two of the community's more active lolitas, Lolita 101- beginner, explained the basics and ABC's of Lolita. Lolita 102- intermediate got down to the science of shopping for Lolita.



You can see more from Otakon, Lolita coords, and community life via Charmed Metro Lolitas Tumblr.

NAILED IT Nerd-inspired Nail Art

A rather brilliant selection of nerd-inspired nail art from Espionage Cosmetics, be sure to check out, and support, this brand's Kickstarter Project!

If you need me to spell it out for you, these are the top three reasons to indulge:

  • You can contribute and show them some love for as little as $1. Remember, every little bit counts! But, if you can afford to show more love, I am quite sure they'd appreciate it. PLUS they have goodies and the world loves goodies!
  • It's the perfect mix of nerdy and sparkly things. What nerd girl wouldn't love having the best of both worlds?!
  • "We find your lack of nail art disturbing" tagline. Whoever gets this reference should automatically be in love!


It's only day one t New York Comicon and I'm ready to snoop. I came with one thingn on my mind (aside from art, that is). Of course, that was finding Lolita & kawaii goods.

Unfortunately, this year wasn't the best and I had to look hard. And then I found Hip Hop Candy. This small, quaint, hobby turned lifestyle brand, was just what the doctor ordered to break the ice! I was able to score a quick interview with the hobby turned lifestyle brand, Olivia, to talk about what Hip Hop Candy is and what it had to offer.

Me: I usually don't stop to spend money during my first time on the floor, but it's soooooo cute! >< I can't wait to spend here, but first, can you tell us who you are and what you do.
HH Candy: Yes!!! I', Olivia and the propieter of Hip Hop Candy. It was a fun hobby and I started a small business of it in 2008. It combines Japanese fashion sense and kawaii style with super bright colors and is just stuff that I'd like to wear, personally. So far we've done ver well. In fact, we went full time this year and it's been pretty successful thus far *giggle*


Me: What are your top FOUR selling goods? 
HH Candy: Well, I started making these lip balms after learning to make soap and doing some successful candles. (YES! most of what Hip Hop Candy offers is handmade. SUPER cool, hunh?!)
-There's this one, Vampire's Kiss that tastes like red raspberry and pomegranate. 
-Our Debuneko plushie that we recently released. Hopefully we'll be doing more. I'm sure we will, but he's loved!
-People love the bunny butt! So almost anything with him is a best seller.
-And of course the bacon candle. I dunno ... people love  stuff that smells like bacon, i guess. 

Me: You've worked hard and now living your dream. What tips would you give any dreamers?
HH Candy: I'd say that if you're really passionate about something and put out consistent goods and updates, you're probably going to succeed. So hop to it *giggle*

The interview and spending time (and money) at Hip Hop Candy was super fun. Olivia is such a doll! I'd encourage any and EVRYONE to support her efforts! Three cheers for HIP HOP CANDY!
my personal pulls at Hip Hop Candy

Be sure to check out her Deviant Art page and website. Both SUPER CUTE & SUPER FUN! You'll Want to buy!
Got questions about my NYCC coverage or want to see more of something? Feel free to email me at

More images and NYCC coverage is also available on our Tumblr, Otaku Time.
My recap, in both English and Japanese will be available Wednesday at

~je t'adore!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu x Fashion

I'm not too sure who see's my random post. tweets, rants, and etc. about Japanese teen model turned J-Pop star, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu ... But if not, let me be among the first to tell you that I'm a bit of a fan.

This girl, if you have not heard of her, has spunk! And while I'm sure her life has it's ups, downs, and in betweens, her bubbly Harajuku personality always seems to shine through! Aside from that, I'm extremely fascinated when you see people who have a gazillion different looks, the same personality, but somehow seemingly change into a different person with each look. A lot like an everyday Cosplay kinda lifestyle. While I'm not one for a lot of words in my posts, here's a GREAT interview, if you want to know a bit more about her. Aside from that, if you speak Japanese, be sure to check out her official blog.

Well, that's Kyary. And since her latest video just dropped, Candy Candy, I thought I'd take some time to share some of the looks that have intrigued me so. Hopefully you'll find them as amazing as I do.


Be sure to check out Kyary's lastest video, Candy Candy & to flood your eyeballs with more pics, be sure to check out her Twitter and Tumblr.
Until Next Time!
~je t'adore >^.*<


We're always yapping about clothes and fashion and blah blah blah girly stuff! Not that this week is annnnyyyyy different. But we've seemingly forgot that any girl who IS a girly girl, will not leave the house without putting her "face" on.

Now, I'll be the first to say that I am a girly girl at heart. However on a daily, despite the ruffles, bows, and excessive amounts of pink, I am truly a tomboy. So! When I put my face on, I look for make-up that accents the important facial features ... Eyes, cheeks, lips. that's it! That's all I got! I want to spend less than 15 minutes in the mirror, still look the same when I'm done, but a bit enhanced and somewhat on the colorful side (occasionally).

With all of that being said, my FAVORITE make-up obsessions are eyeshadows and eyelashes. usually a M.A.C girl, I have finally found another that makes my heart stop and my mouth water. with some of the BRIGHTEST colors I've seen by far. That would be the goodness of SugarPill! Now, M.A.C has the everyday and not so everyday make-up items from beginning to end. But what I love, love, LOVE about SugarPill is that they're "eye" specific, specializing in luxury eyeshadows and a few pair of lashes to die for! They offer bold colors in a great formula that last forever in a day! Ladies ... do you KNOW how hard that is to find?! ... 
I won't say too much more, but here are some pics I've been able to grab of Sugarpill at work, via Facebook! And while I was not able to catch up to Amy, just yet for an interview, here's what she's shared with the public via Cinnamon Kitten

Be sure to check out SugarPill's Make-Up Tutorials. Follow them on Twitter & Like 'em on Facebook! You'll never lose with these goods ... for sure!

~je t'adore! <3 IKB

RUNE Boutique World Debut Videos

Of course I went surfing the net for video content on the Rune Boutique World Debut. To my surprise, I found some great highlights of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu performing live, for the first time in the U.S.
These are the two music videos released for her hit single PonPonPon & TsukemaTsukeru, to be her first single released in January. 
And what would such an event be without featuring the fashions of 6% DokiDoki ... here are 3 parts to their presentation! And if you just want to see the entire party live, head on over to NicoNico!

RUNE Boutique World Debut

"Transmitting the tradition of kawaii from Japan to the rest of the world"

You don't have to be into fashion hard for this one! You just need to know the word "kawaii" and while it is Japanese for "cute", saying anything other than kawaii just doesn't hold the sale weight. All lolitas, otakus, fashionistas & such have the one and only Rune Naito to thank for that!

Since Naito's passing in 2007, the kawaii surge has been on a rise, though that's an understatement. As a lolita, I was extremely happy to see that the home to the Rune Naito Boutique launch was in Los Angeles. However, just like trying to get to Japan for such marvelous events & gatherings, I was not able to make it to LA ... Mostly due to timing and being on tour in Atlanta, and paryly due to $$$ ... BUT ...

I made a call & after a bit of begging and pleading (not really, but I did ask nicely and bat my eyelashes LOL), my good friend, artist collegue, and collective member - Kelly Crown (@crowniemarie) - agreed tongo in my stead. While I forgot to ask her if she attelpted to dress the part for the occassion, she did report that I'd have experienced a bit of sugar overload & lost myself in the expereince. Simply put, it was KAWAII (duuuhhhhh!)

Here is some of the best that K. Crown had to offer for experiencing such a history making event.
If you're in the LA Area, be sure to visit the Rune Boutique before it closes, January 9, 2012.
8910 Washington BlvdCulver City, CA 90232

I PROMISE it wouldn't be a wasted effort ... Eveyone's a bit kawaii at heart ;-) ~je t'adore

** this post DOES have a Part 2. Stay Tuned for another hot date tomorrow, 12/13, at 1pm for a follow-up to 'This Week in ... Fashion, <3 IKB'