Olympics 2012 Fashions
/So far, here are my basic hits & misses ... join in & let me know yours since we'll be digging into this yumminess and all of the geeky fashion ways it may have brought with it!
Undecided HIT
HIT HITHIT Undecided
Miss Miss
Undecided HIT
Undecided Undecided
Undecided Undecided
Of course HITS are what they are ... and nothing's gonna change my mind. Misses can be changed, some are growing on me the more I look at them, but it could just be because I have to keep looking at them. These undecided picks can definitely go either way, so I'll probably watch those a bit closer in action to make any final decisions.
What's your fashionable thoughts? Email me at imani@otakusandgeeks.com
Until next week
~je t'adore!