Alex Pardee Goodness!
/Artistically, I'd say we're related ... something like distant cousins, possibly twice removed, as our represented works have a gallery in common - Art Whino. With that being said, I'll bypass the standard "about this guy's work" spill ... and let it speak for itself!
First up! ... Sucker Punch!
I'll keep my personal feelings about Sucker Punch to myself and accept that the flawless saving grace for me tolerating this movie was the yummy eye candy of costumes and art. It's pleased me even more to know that Perdee was the brains behind the art game!
Next UP! ... CAGE's covers!
One of Definitive Jux's secret weapons, Cage, has been blessed with some Perdee goodness, too! He IS the man behind Cage's past albums, Hell's Winter and Depart From Me.
I had a chance to tattoo a piece that was in Depart From Me's liner notes ... it was one of the most enjoyable experiences to temporarily get lost in is world through his characters.
As a tip, my customer blessed me with some of his original art!
Last, but NOT least ... Perdee's got TOOYYSS!!!!!
Check out his Walrus Rider. If no where eles, you can certainly buy it at Art Whino! I don't think I really need to say anything except ... who doesn't looove collecting cool vinyl figures! His are beyond cool ... so THERE! :-P
It doesn't really stop with this guy so I'll just share some of the eye candy I found super sexy!!!! Some geek related & some just plain ol' COOL!
be sure to follow along on tumblr as we informally post art & fashion weekly!
til next time!
~je t'adore!