CE Week - DroneVolt, Oura, Orion Labs and CaseCo

Produced by: Young Jeohn

Continuing on with the CE Week tech event is part 5 of a series of quick video presentations with DroneVolt, Oura, Orion Labs, and CaseCo - click and watch them below!  To see the other videos so far from CE Week, click here to watch our playlist on Youtube.


DroneVolt - http://www.dronevolt.com
The DroneVolt 360 degree camera array is a drone with 10 mounted GoPros for virtual reality content creation. Regulations say you need line of sight of the drone you're flying, but probably this product is powerful enough in range to defy even that.


Oura - http://www.OuraRing.com
The Oura Ring, is the first ring-sized wellness computer in the world. It measures your heart rate and your pulse waveform, your body temperature while you sleep, and tracks your daytime activity. With this and the software app, it guides you to better performance and well being.


Orion Labs - http://OrionLabs.io
Orion Lab's Onyx is a real-time communications device (works like a Star Trek communicator badge - or a walkie for us mere mortals). Just press and talk - people will hear you over ANY distance, even in groups. It works with the accompanying app that gets installed on your smartphone.


CaseCo - http://www.caseco.ca
The world's smallest car mounts by CaseCo, we take a quick look at the Vent mount and the Dash Mount. By god, they're tiny.