Calling All Critters!!!

Calling all Critters,

   I came upon an idea as I was watching past episodes (and anticipating the next one) and thought that this would be a great present for Critical Role and other Critters alike. I love to write especially poetry, monologues and short stories. Twitch and streaming on YouTube, are ways of broadcasting a lot of materials of variety and sharing those things with people is a great way of meeting other like minds. Well because I am such a huge fan of Critical Role and being a Critter myself, I want to give something to the Critical Role family, cast, crew, and Critters alike (yay for alliteration right here...)

So here is my idea: On one day a week (or two depending on my life schedule, I will be writing a story about the motley crew of Vox Machina. This story however, will not be written by just me. I want all Critters and others who are just becoming Critters, to help me write the story. Think of it as a huge Mad Libs project. Depending on how many chapters we write, will depend on how much we want to write and end the story. Are you in? Comment below this post or send me an email at I want this to be a great fun project and maybe as a surprise gift to the Critical Role cast and crew. Thank you for your corporation and let's write Vox Machina's new adventure, filled with character development, love, lost, fun, humor, and most of all, natural 20's...

Vox Machina Rules!!!!!