Watch Dogs 2 and Rainbow Six Statues -by Purearts
/Purearts statues are like Gucci designer bags; both are top end goods. Since our coverage at Toy Fair back in February, they've introduced several new products with the most creative (at least in my opinion) being Watch Dogs 2.
There are two statues in this series, one of Marcus and another of Wrench. They come with additional parts (like different hands) and can be displayed either by themselves or merged into a connected statue. But here's where it gets exciting - you can form a seamless merge with Marcus in three different places; left, right or top!
It's a brilliantly set scene with both guys standing around a wall of graffiti. What Purearts has done is design the artwork on that wall to form an endless loop (like a background image tile on a computer.) It looks unbroken if you place the Marcus statue to the right, left or above Wrench (the one place you can't put him is below.) So in theory, you can pick up several of these statues and daisy-chain them from left to right ad-infinitum! Like I said, brilliant - it's one of the cooler ideas I've come across. You can pick up both statues as a set and save $100 in the process.

Rainbow Six Siege statues are now here to sate its huge e-sports community. The first two are Ash and Smoke in 1/6 scale, with 1/4 scale statues on the way (of who, they wouldn't say). These are highly articulated, posable, and will come with their signature weapons and arsenal like in the game. Smoke will, of course, have his grenade too.
Purearts took me by surprise by saying they have a costume designer from the movie industry taking lead on the clothing. Unlike the majority of statues in the industry that paint everything on resin, Purearts makes a concerted effort to make these larger scale statues as real-to-life as possible by designing and using actual cloth and other textiles. Cool, huh?
In the realm of Cyberpunk 2077, they've finished the sports bike - and it looks pretty awesome. Not only that, but it actually works. The wheels spin around, the headlights and brakes light up, and the bike itself is made of die-cast metal. Ths size is 1/6 scale, same as the figures. It will be available in three different sets - with a female rider, a male rider, or with both riders.

Master 9Eyes (by Daytoner) was introduced at the last Toy Fair, but is now available outside of its original kickstarter campaign. There are two versions; the first being a 1/12 scale made of vinyl, and the second a 1/6 scale made of resin.
The larger 1/6 scale is heavier due to size and material, so it's got a rectangular base and newly designed metal legs (replacing what used to be resin ones.)
In the pipeline is Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Animus Eivor. The prototype is currently being finalized, but pre-orders will start at the end of July so the product can ship when the game is released in November/December. It isn't clear yet if this statue will be available as male or female - or both. Purearts tell us that Ubisoft has decided to use the same body for both sexes. What might end up happening is an inclusion of 2 heads which you can switch around at will.
Finally, there's the pipe-dream in the form of Star Wars -A New Hope Stormtrooper. Licensing issues prevent it from being sold in the Americas (the damned mouse house owns everything these days), but if you live anywhere else, you've lucked out.
This 1/3 scale model is a recreation of the original Stormtrooper design by Andrew Ainsworth (who still holds the rights outside of the Americas.) Hardcore fans will truly appreciate how this product is modeled to the original, with every flaw and imperfection replicated as closely as possible. While casual Star Wars fans probably won't notice those details, it'll still be an awesome statue to mount on a pedestal for anyone to admire.
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Event: Toy Fair Everywhere