Marvel Launches Create Your Own Comic Platform
/credit Marvel
Marvel is introducing a new comics development program called Create Your Own that it's promoting as a "game changer" for people wanting to make comics - but it comes with a lot of content restrictions that would nix the usage of many of the company's most popular characters.
"Hey there, True Believers! Have you ever wanted to write your own Marvel comics? TapTap Comics is empowering fans around the world by offering up the great power (and great responsibility) of storytelling to worthy recipients—and that means you!" wrote Marvel assistant editor's Tucker Chet Markus. "Get ready to join a fan-powered community where users can write, create, and share their own Marvel stories. It’s called Marvel: Create Your Own, and it’s going to be a game changer for fledgling comic creators looking to do their own thing."
A website for the platform is up now, with an unspecified launch date.
Under its "Terms & Conditions" page, Marvel: Create Your Own is limited to those 13 and older, and only in these four countries: the United States, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Among the long list of prohibited subject matter for user-created Create Your Own content are:
- Content that could frighten or upset young children or the parents of young children
- Prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication, vitamins, and dietary supplements
- Sensationalism (killer bees, gossip, aliens, scandal, etc.)
- Politics (lobbyists, PAC sites, political campaigns, alternative lifestyle advocacies)
- Graphic violence (including certain types of game sites) unless approved by Tap Tap on a case-by-case basis
- Death
- Illegal activities or any materials that infringe or assist others to infringe upon any copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual property rights Other controversial topics (social issues, etc.)
- Guns (firearms, bullets, etc.)
Also, users of the Marvel: Create Your Own must accept a contract that the copyright to any material they create there be given to Tap Tap/Marvel.