Syfy Hunters Series Premiere (Review)

Decorated FBI agent Flynn Carroll's world is turned upside down when his wife, Abby, goes missing. When it becomes clear her abduction is tied to a group of ruthless - and extraterrestrial - terrorists called Hunters, Flynn is recruited by a secret government organization to bring the aliens down.

Hunters has a lot going for it and a lot going against it. The first thing Hunters has going for it that will have you tune in is the concept. The concept of aliens being terrorist is fresh and sold me on the goal of the antagonist. The aliens have been monitor by a special task force of our government hell bent on stopping them. I like the setup of this threat and this episode we get from the first scene that the alien is indeed a threat. Another thing I enjoyed about episode one is our main character Flynn. He is reaction to this new world filled with aliens is great. One minute you, your wife and the teenager staying with you are dealing with the normal teenage problems. The next minute your wife Abby is kidnapped by the aliens known as Hunters.  The show setups a lot of questions in the first episode. Why do the Hunters want Abby? Why are the Hunters targeting this planet? What is their motive? Finally Regan is clearly the best part of this show. There is much mystery around her character. Regan is a Hunter and she sides with the humans. Her back story is not shown but their is a hint during a fight scene that give clues. She also seems to like humans in an intimate matter as well which raises more questions. Regan has a no nonsene attitude and her link to the Hunters will have you watching if you can get pass certain things holding the show back.

With an interesting concept, two characters to get invested in especially Regan. The show has a few problems. One of the main problems is a show like this needs a bigger budget. I think with a bigger budget the full vision of the show can be realized. The effects are not the best and you can see it in the action. Also what takes me out of the alien element is that they look like humans with a few effects to make them different. Maybe in later episodes the true form of the aliens will show so I wouldn't write it off yet. Finally some of the acting is way over the top. The dramatic scenes that I was supposed to feel something I felt nothing because of the overselling. As stated it's just the first episode and I still think you should judge for yourself. I will stay for Regan backstory and why she's sided witg the humans. However so far the show has a nice concept but it needs a bigger budget, a shift more on Regan and improvement with some acting.

Final Score 3 out of 5: Not bad but needs improvements.