Cosplayer Spotlight: Lady Koopa
Otakus and Geeks is pleased to present to you our new popular feature, Cosplayer Spotlight. It is dedicated to showcase talented individuals from the cosplay community. Catch some new talent or get a look at some well-established members from the world of cosplay.
Hi there! I'm Chloe Chococabo - also known as Lady Koopa. I'm a local NY cosplayer who loves creating, food, hanging with friends, and being weird. I love to cosplay video game characters, anime characters, or anything that will make people smile.
How did you get into cosplaying and how long you been doing it?
I got into cosplaying a little over 4 years ago. I was always a really socially awkward person who had a hard time making friends. I was taken to a really small anime convention where I saw people cosplay. My very first cosplay was Midna from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. When I debuted it during NYCC 2010 a lot of people thought it was awesome. Not only was it fun but it really brought me out of my comfort zone. Ever since then I became addicted to cosplay!
What is cosplay to you?
Cosplaying is something that should be fun that brings out your inner creativity. It's a great way to associate with other people who have similar interest.
Do you have someone who inspires you to cosplay? If so who?
I think everyone has different interpretations when it comes to cosplaying, so I don't really have a specific person that inspires me to cosplay. I get most inspired when I see a character I think is awesome and that I admire. That is when I get the spark to start creating.
Do your family and friends know you cosplay?
My friends absolutely know I cosplay as most of them do so as well! My family knows as well!
Are you doing cosplay as a hobby or professionally?
Cosplaying is definitely a hobby for me. However, it would be amazing to do it professionally! It's always the best to do something you have a passion for.
Do you only do local or other conventions, as well?
I use to just do local conventions but I think this coming year I will be attending a lot more conventions locally as well as outside of NY. It will be my first time at Katsucon this year!
How many conventions do you go in a year?
Not to many as of yet but I definitely will be attending a lot more the upcoming year!
If you can, cosplay anywhere is the world? Where would it be?
Woah! All over the world!!!!!! But to be specific, most definitely Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and possibly some place in Europe.
When cosplaying what do you feel is most important? (e.g. detail , character portrayal, etc.)
I think the most significant aspect when it comes to cosplaying is the obvious which is to have fun! That should always be one of the reasons someone cosplays. As long as you are having a good time dressed as a character you feel comfortable with then the details, character portrayal, craftsmanship, etc. will truly shine!
What is your pet peeve when it comes to cosplay?
My biggest pet peeve would be when people compare cosplays and make it a competition. Everyone has different ways of portraying a characters and cosplaying is a learning process.It shouldn't be as competitive as it is. It's an artistic expression that should be shared no matter how different or similar people's cosplays are!
Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplays/props?
I like to make my own cosplays and props. It can get really time consuming but once you have the finished product you feel so accomplished. Sometimes I'm like "wow...did I really make that!??" haha!
When deciding on how you want your cosplay to look, what goes through your mind? (e.g. does the fabric/material have to look like the picture)
It usually starts once I truly decide on a character to cosplay. It's very hard to explain but it all comes very naturally. I just know what materials I want to use and how I want the colors, textures, fabrication, etc. to look like. From there I go on a search of those sources to make it happen!
What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying?
I just love cosplaying characters that are unexpected coming from me! I love to make people smile so I either do funny and cuter character. I also have a thing for doing villain character such as my Bowser and M. Bison cosplay as villain characters don't get enough love!
What is your favorite part of putting on your cosplay?
I love when an outfit comes together perfectly after all the hard work you put into it. Being able to feel like a character you admire and other people recognize you as that character.
How do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
This is tough to answer because I feel as if I get a spark in my head whenever I see the perfect character from either an anime or video game. If I get intrigued by a character and it's general one that I think is kick-ass and I can pull off that when the magic happens!
Are there any cosplays that you wish you could pull off?
I wish I could do more characters that have really cool battle armor details. Or maybe characters that are suppose to be taller because.......I'm so short!
Do you have any cosplays that you will never do and why?
As much as people may disagree with me, I will probably never do Harley Quinn, Poison ivy, or any overly common characters. Not that there is anything wrong with cosplaying those characters!. I just like cosplaying characters that will throw people off, and make them laugh or smile.
Do you believe that a person has to have certain qualities to pull off a cosplay? (e.g. facial structure, etc.)
I think it's really cool when somebody actually looks like the character they are cosplaying. Although I can't stress enough that as long as you are having FUN it shouldn't matter!
What are some of your dream cosplays?
I think my dream cosplays are those with really tough looking armor. I think my dream cosplay is to a power suit samus or a female Ganondwarf.
Outside of cosplaying, what else do you do?
I recently graduated from college and I just work full time at a luxury cosmetics company. I do super dooper boring stuff which is probably why I love cosplaying so much as it helps me let loose.
How do you fund your cosplay?
My full time job! I work a lot and long hours as well!
Where do you go most often for photoshoots? Do you do photoshoots?
Usually at conventions or at fun events. I would definitely love to do more photoshoots! They are so much fun!
Do you prefer your images photoshopped or unshopped?
It doesn't really matter to me. Similar to cosplay, photographers all have different styles and views! Its really cool to see all the different views that photographers can snap of your outfit.
You can follow and view more of her work here