Interview With Lenni (Author Of First Brood: Dreamhunter)
/I interview one of good friends and fellow staff member Lenni. Many of you know her as our book reviewer. However Lenni is an author herself and has published two books and a couple of short stories. I sat down with Lenni to give our readers an in depth look at one of our staff members.
1. Let's start from the beginning. When did you decide that you wanted to become an author? Do you remember that moment you said I want to do this?
I honestly cannot remember a time in my life when I wasn't writing. My earliest memory is a kindergarten project where you had to write each part of a story on the side of a paper cube. I still have that somewhere... At any rate, it went from that to writing down all the adventures I went on as a child for my mom; who couldn't come with me. It wasn't much of a leap to make stories of my own.
2. You have released two books and a couple of short stories? Can you tell us about the other projects beside First Brood?
I have a horror story in mind
, plenty of random short romances to write, a steampunk series, and I will be expanding the Ciro and Tia universe to a full novel.
3. Let's talk about the first book First Brood: Dreamhunter. How did the concept of this world come about and how long did it take you to write it?
Oh, I remember this distinctly. I was reading Anne Rice and there was something about it that left me lacking. I thought "Hey, I should write the kind of vampire story I want to read. And what if a hunter could hunt without ever putting their body in danger?" Then I let the story just flow.
4. The book has a lot of elements powers, spells and many more how difficult is it for you to create a universe that has to have a history of magic, locations and much more?
I guess this would sound a bit crazy but it's not hard to keep track of because I live there. It's a vibrant world; these characters are people to me. They're a part of me. I'm living their lives along with them. It also helps that I'm a huge geek and I'm willing to throw myself into research and language to put things into context. You have to be the magic to write the magic, ya know?
5. Can you tell us a little about the main protagonist?
I go back and forth about whose story this really is. Is this Auris' journey? Is it Darjeeling's? Is it Kizu's and the other's are just in the way? Who knows where it could go? But to keep it simple, Auris is a true lost child who is searching for love and Darjeeling is very much like him but searching for purpose.
6. As an author is there any characters in any of your books that you see a little bit of yourself in?
All of them. Pick a universe and I could tell you every character is a part of me.
7. What was your inspiration for writing this book?
The story really took me over at this point; where I'm working on the third. I wanted to break the mold, provide a beacon of fear and strife in a world filled with paranormal romance. Not to knock them but for every 'Twilight', there needs to be 'The Strain.' The real world is full of love and terror; why shouldn't my books be the same?
8. With two books down what can we expect from the last entry?
It won't be the last, that's for sure. I've landed in such a vast universe, there are plenty of characters to explore. As long as they allow me, I'll write about them.
9. Anyway readers can reach you?
You can email me directly at
. I have a livejournal:
And of course my site at
And yes, I am a fan of fanfiction. Feel free to ship my characters. ;)