Rude Dude: The Steve Rude Story Review

We all know Batman, Superman, Spiderman and The Hulk but not everyone knows the sheer amount of effort that goes into creating and maintaining these iconic characters. Generally the distinct difference between someone who knows comics and someone who love Superheroes is the appreciation for the people who actually draw and create these memorable characters.

In comics, especially in recent years, comic may have up to three artists on each issue. There are pencillers, who is the first step. They draw every panel to the writers description in pencil, or drafting leads before handing their work over to the inker, or inks. Also known as 'the embellisher,' inks is responsible for refining the previously outlined panels and giving them depth. The last step is to add color which give you the vibrant comic panels readers have come to love.

Steve Rude has done is all, best known as a penciller, he has tackled iconic characters like Superman and Batman while also creating his own character in his most well known comic Nexus. Rude Dude is a comprehensive overview of the life and career to date of this incredible artist. They interview co-workers, family members, friends, bosses and other artists that have interacted with Rude throughout his comic book career into his transition to fine art.

With traditional fine arts training under his belt Rude's attention to detail is extraordinary in that it is as close to perfection as it gets! There is a story where the writer of a comic set a scene in a specific room and Rude walked in the room, which was an office, and sat and just drew it. He didn't make an appointment or anything. Unfortunately this need for perfection made him miss several deadlines and get fired from big publishing companies like Marvel, which puts a unique perspective on the inner working of the comic book industry. Artist are under a lot of pressure to get issues out on schedule which often forces them to hastily throw together panels.

The film itself is eye opening to both the world of a comic book artist and the struggles of someone who suffers from bipolar disorder. The director doesn't mask Rude's abrasive demeanor or excuse his behavior. There are colleagues that will state he was not the easiest person to work with but a the end of the day he always produced a unique and in-depth product that goes above and beyond the writer's expectations.

Rude Dude: The Steve Rude Story will be released on October 7th 2014 available at