Gods In The Grey City By Lenni (Book Review)

Title - Gods In The Grey City
Author - Lenni
Illustrator/Book Cover- Melody Herbert
Pages - 49

Otakus and Geeks very own Lenni is a published author, if you didn't know. Lenni has written a total of four books in the course of the last three years. They can be picked up on Kindle and various other locations. I will be giving a non biased review on all four of Lenni's books all this month.

Story - Ciro buys more than he bargained for when he purchases a slave capable of bypassing the brand on her magic. He drags her on a journey with him to learn her secrets, but his own may kill them both.

One of the strongest things "Gods In The Grey City" has going for it is the characters. As previous stated in the story synopsis, the story is focused on a man named Ciro. Ciro purchases a slave by the name of Tia. Tia is a member race that is looked down upon called the Muri. Together they have have to complete Ciro's which I won't spoil for you. If you're a fan of fantasy then "Gods In The Grey City" is something you want to check out. The two main characters Ciro and Tia are enjoyable to read. What makes them the driving force of the book is how different they are. Ciro is a man that lives by a strict code and guidelines. He's a loner, a man who you tell by reading the story has a lot of layers in his past. Tia is a woman who very protective and cutthroat. Being a slave and having faced a lot of adversity has harden her. As the story progresses you will find out how she became that way. Finding out the backstories of the character is where I had the most fun. Lenni did a very good job flushing out Ciro and Tia's identities. Lenni also did a great job of setting up an entire world for Ciro and Tia to interact with. Some places in this world are not friendly to Tia's race the Muri. In addition some there a places that are not friendly to Ciro's. Seeing how the two characters have to interact with these hostilities, while trying to stay alive was a pleasure. 

Overall if you like fantasy, magic and strong female characters, give "Gods In The Grey City" a shot. It's filled with two compelling characters and a great supporting cast. The story has action, some heartbreaking moments My only complaint is that the book is short with only 49 pages. Once it's done you would want more from Tia and her world. 

Final Rating 8.5/10

Gods In The Grey City is available on Amazon