Chuck Huber Medical Fund

I found this information on another blog site called Lanipwned.Shout out to Lanipator for providing the information.

"Chuck Huber suffered a massive heart attack on 12/15/2010 while out of town on business. He underwent quintuple bypass surgery on 12/17/2010. As a self employed actor he has no medical insurance to cover the medical expenses. Please consider making a donation to help.

Until we get the Medical Trust Fund finalized, you can donate to Chuck's medical expenses via paypal at" -Lanipator

You may know Chuck Huber from Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, Android 17 from DBZ, Sgt Kululu from Sgt. Frog and more.

You can find more info on the Look on the right of your screen and you will see the link or go on Please guys. I can't give money but I always like to pay it forward. Please help Mr. Huber. Thanks guys. And Mr. Huber if your are reading things or friends and family of him, we are praying for u! Anime Rules!!!!!!!!!