Michael Jackson: The Experience: Hands On Impression
/Gameplay - The game is a dancing game. We were playing the game with the song "Beat It." To play the game you hold the Wii mote and follow the choreography of the song. It works very well and you get to choose who do you follow. You can follow Michael as the lead or the back up dancers. Jamila and I were the back up, but there were times I found it hard to keep up, due to the controls. But the game will be one of the best dance games to come out in this year. The demo had a variety songs to choose from like, "Smooth Criminal" and "Billie Jean." Billie Jean seem to be the easiest to do, and Smooth Criminal seem to be the hardest. The game is going to be huge for those who want to dance like Michael. The presentation is great and each song has Michael as he appeared in the videos to guide you. If you want to be like the glove one, this is going to be the game to get. Our video of Jamila and I playing will be up later. Stay tuned. Mike Rules!!!!