Extreme Fanboys
If there is one thing I can't stand about being a gamer or anime fan, is that you eventually encounter fanboys. For those who are not familiar with the term fanboy. Here is various definitions that I have found online. The type of fanboys I'm describing in this rant are Extreme Fanboys.
1. Fanboy - A person who is completely loyal to a game or company regardless of if they suck or not.
2. Fanboy - A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.
3. Fanboy - An arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned. Fanboys usually accuse others of being fanboys.
Now that you are up to speed of what a fanboy is, allow me to show you a full example of a fanboy. About three weeks ago. I made a Youtube video of a wish list for characters I would like to see in Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Some of my characters were Kingpin, Hit-Girl and as a bonus Mickey Mouse. I clearly stated in the video since Disney owns Marvel, that it will be cool to see a Kingdom Hearts character. If you ever played Kingdom Hearts 2 then you know Mickey can kick some ass. I figured since Capcom features campy characters in there games, why not have one more. Unfortunately one Marvel Vs Capcom fanboy didn't like that idea. Instead of disagreeing with me, he decided to insult with no reason. Read it below. Yes that's his Youtube name.
zakkthebrainsmasher writes
are you fucking out of your mind what the fuck is your problem what is mickey mouse going to do?
i tought it was enough of your black ass dreams with the fucking maximum ghetto ass gangsta kingpin but no fucking dumb ass go fucking do your slavery shit and fuck off!!!
Justin - Do you see any statement of why this fanboy disagrees with me? Or do you just see racism for me being African American? This is the major problem I have with fanboys. They're so full of themselves and blinded, that they can't even respect people's perspectives without insulting them. Its a sickness that needs to die in the Anime and Gaming community. I cannot count how many times I go into Gamestop and get an unwanted review of the product I'm buying. I don't need you to tell me what you think of the product, or why you hate it just take my money and let me go.
What's wrong with Fanboys?
I think the problem with fanboys is that they invest too much time into what they love. In other words they have nothing else but this product. They are so invested into something that is pure fiction, they can't even see the reality of their own obsession. Their undying loyalty has blinded them from trying out other things, which makes them close minded. It's really sad to see how crazy Justin Bieber fans get when someone doesn't like his music. Or how crazy someone gets if they don't like the PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii. My question is why are they investing so much time on things that are not effecting their daily lives? Is it really killing them that someone doesn't like their game or anime? I think the root of the problem is the person itself.
Now I'm not a psychologist or anything, however if someone is obsessed with something they might be covering up some inner personal battle. There was no reason for zakkthebrainsmasher to insult me with no reason. Fanboys need to become more open minded. They need to start investing their time and energy on things that matter. Yes I'm a gamer and I love anime. However that is only about 25% of who I am. For some fanboys that is 100% and that is where the danger lies. For some people their entire lives is eating, breathing and living these fictional reality. There lives is anime and gaming and they will kill you if they feel their world is threaten.
There is nothing wrong with having preferences. I prefer PS3 over Xbox 360 because I have been with Sony since the Playstation 1. However that loyalty is not going to stop me from buying a Xbox 360. Xbox 360 has great games as well, why would I want to limit myself? This is what fanboys don't understand. They're limiting their options and experiences. Fanboys also tend to make their opinions as facts. Reading this rant you should know these are my opinions. I'm not stating them as fact. Here is an example of an fanboy opinion that he turns facts.
"Gears Of War 2 is the best shooter of all time. Halo sucks!" - The fanboy didn't even give evidence of Gears being the best shooter. He didn't give reasons of why Halo sucks! Do you see where I'm getting at?
Final Word - Unless fanboys start to convert their time to other hobbies. They will forever be despised in the gaming community in my eyes. You know that saying "Nobody likes a fanboy" there might be some truth to that. Who wants to hang around someone who is obsessed with a product? Who wants to be around someone who can't even take a day in reality? Who wants to be around someone who can't unplug from the Matrix once in a while? I sure don't. Fanboys are giving gamers and anime fans a bad name. It's time for us who consider ourselves Otakus and Geeks to put them in check once and for all.
1. Fanboy - A person who is completely loyal to a game or company regardless of if they suck or not.
2. Fanboy - A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.
3. Fanboy - An arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned. Fanboys usually accuse others of being fanboys.
Now that you are up to speed of what a fanboy is, allow me to show you a full example of a fanboy. About three weeks ago. I made a Youtube video of a wish list for characters I would like to see in Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Some of my characters were Kingpin, Hit-Girl and as a bonus Mickey Mouse. I clearly stated in the video since Disney owns Marvel, that it will be cool to see a Kingdom Hearts character. If you ever played Kingdom Hearts 2 then you know Mickey can kick some ass. I figured since Capcom features campy characters in there games, why not have one more. Unfortunately one Marvel Vs Capcom fanboy didn't like that idea. Instead of disagreeing with me, he decided to insult with no reason. Read it below. Yes that's his Youtube name.
zakkthebrainsmasher writes
are you fucking out of your mind what the fuck is your problem what is mickey mouse going to do?
i tought it was enough of your black ass dreams with the fucking maximum ghetto ass gangsta kingpin but no fucking dumb ass go fucking do your slavery shit and fuck off!!!
Justin - Do you see any statement of why this fanboy disagrees with me? Or do you just see racism for me being African American? This is the major problem I have with fanboys. They're so full of themselves and blinded, that they can't even respect people's perspectives without insulting them. Its a sickness that needs to die in the Anime and Gaming community. I cannot count how many times I go into Gamestop and get an unwanted review of the product I'm buying. I don't need you to tell me what you think of the product, or why you hate it just take my money and let me go.
What's wrong with Fanboys?
I think the problem with fanboys is that they invest too much time into what they love. In other words they have nothing else but this product. They are so invested into something that is pure fiction, they can't even see the reality of their own obsession. Their undying loyalty has blinded them from trying out other things, which makes them close minded. It's really sad to see how crazy Justin Bieber fans get when someone doesn't like his music. Or how crazy someone gets if they don't like the PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii. My question is why are they investing so much time on things that are not effecting their daily lives? Is it really killing them that someone doesn't like their game or anime? I think the root of the problem is the person itself.
Now I'm not a psychologist or anything, however if someone is obsessed with something they might be covering up some inner personal battle. There was no reason for zakkthebrainsmasher to insult me with no reason. Fanboys need to become more open minded. They need to start investing their time and energy on things that matter. Yes I'm a gamer and I love anime. However that is only about 25% of who I am. For some fanboys that is 100% and that is where the danger lies. For some people their entire lives is eating, breathing and living these fictional reality. There lives is anime and gaming and they will kill you if they feel their world is threaten.
There is nothing wrong with having preferences. I prefer PS3 over Xbox 360 because I have been with Sony since the Playstation 1. However that loyalty is not going to stop me from buying a Xbox 360. Xbox 360 has great games as well, why would I want to limit myself? This is what fanboys don't understand. They're limiting their options and experiences. Fanboys also tend to make their opinions as facts. Reading this rant you should know these are my opinions. I'm not stating them as fact. Here is an example of an fanboy opinion that he turns facts.
"Gears Of War 2 is the best shooter of all time. Halo sucks!" - The fanboy didn't even give evidence of Gears being the best shooter. He didn't give reasons of why Halo sucks! Do you see where I'm getting at?
Final Word - Unless fanboys start to convert their time to other hobbies. They will forever be despised in the gaming community in my eyes. You know that saying "Nobody likes a fanboy" there might be some truth to that. Who wants to hang around someone who is obsessed with a product? Who wants to be around someone who can't even take a day in reality? Who wants to be around someone who can't unplug from the Matrix once in a while? I sure don't. Fanboys are giving gamers and anime fans a bad name. It's time for us who consider ourselves Otakus and Geeks to put them in check once and for all.