Farm Your Own Eggs in the Backyard - The Smart Coop @Pepcom Holiday 2023

Watch it on Youtube:

 Directed & produced by Young Jeohn

The rising cost of food, especially eggs, is out of control. To mitigate this, people with backyards (even small ones) are starting to raise their own.

Keeping them safe is the biggest concern, and Coop aims to make this as easy as possible. It’s basically a smart chicken coop for the backyard with real-time monitoring and alerts, predator deterence and easy cleaning.

They showed us how this all worked at the Pepcom event; watch and consider if keeping chickens in your backyard is right for you!

More Info:
Social Media:
IG: @thesmartcoop
FB: @coopthechickenapp
TW: @thechickenapp
TT: @coopthechickenapp

Event: Pepcom Holiday Spectacular (Oct 2023)
@Metropolitan Pavilion, New York City