Let's Talk Cosplay with Rosey Red Cosplay!
/Rosey Red Cosplay in her favorite cosplay: her T.A.R.D.I.S. dress. Of course she must be surrounded by her wonderful Doctors!
Otakus and Geeks is proud to introduce a new and exciting series called "Let's Talk Cosplay" which features cosplayers who make their own cosplays and work with multiple aspects of cosplaying. For today's interview, we are meeting Rosey Red Cosplay, a sweet and kind cosplayer from Virginia who has quite the positive outlook on cosplay.
So for starters, tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Bethany, though for all things cosplay or artistic in general, I go by Rose. I'm 19 years old and a college student at Regent University, studying Biophysical Sciences of all things.
What do you like to do outside of cosplaying?
I'm a musician of my own making, playing piano, acoustic and bass guitar, along with my own voice. I enjoy acting, dancing, and spending time with friends. Just your typical extroverted nerd.
Which do you like: comics, manga/anime, movies/tv shows, video games, or books?
Really all of the above except for video games (never got into them). Books, comics, manga/anime, movies/tv, I love them all.
Any favorites in those categories?
I'm more partial to mavnga and books, with movies being a close second.
Cosplayers are often inspired by other cosplayers and their work. Do you have any sort of “favorite cosplayers” out there that inspire you?
I can't really think of a specific cosplayer that inspires me. Whenever I see a cosplayer that has clearly done a lot of work on their cosplay and it looks amazing, I'm definitely inspired to work harder on my own work, to improve myself.
How exactly did you start your journey into the cosplay world? How long have you been cosplaying?
Bit of a story behind that actually. When I was 15 my family made a big move from the city I had spent my whole life in, to a new state 1000 miles away, to a place where I knew absolutely no-one. In an attempt to fit in with the other teenagers I started watching anime, and fell in love with it, wanted to get completely involved. So, my mother and I made my first cosplay, Maka Albarn from Soul Eater. It's been about 3 years since then and I love it to this day.
What currently is your favorite cosplay you have made?
My TARDIS dress, no doubt.
Do you have that one cosplay that’s the bane of your existence? If so, which one is it?
As sad as it is, my Maka cosplay. The wig was always a huge struggle, never fitting right. My jacket was extremely constricting and ripped when I lifted my arms any higher than my shoulders. The boots gave me blisters and again, that wig. Just a painful cosplay to deal with.
Is there some specific process you have to choose what character you’ll cosplay?
There's no 'process', persay. I tend to cosplay characters that I feel an emotional connection to, like having a similar personality or relating to their struggles or past. It gives me a connection to them and makes it more than just a costume I'm putting on.
When you make a cosplay, how long does it normally take for the entire thing to be completed?
That's pretty much entirely dependent on how much schoolwork I have to work on. All of my cosplay work gets done after my schoolwork gets done, or during breaks, so it's pretty sporadic. The fastest I've finished a cosplay was two weeks during the summer, my TARDIS dress.
Everyone’s process of making a cosplay is different. Can you describe your process for us?
When I choose a cosplay, my first step is to either plan what pieces I need or if it's my own design, sketch out how I want it to look. Next I see if I have any sewing patterns that I can alter for the clothing portion. If I don't, then free-forming it and making little alterations to make sure it fits right on my body. A trip to the fabric store usually follows after that, then a circle or steps of cutting, pinning, sewing, groaning cause it didn't work, cutting, pinning, sewing, and groaning cause it didn't work, then it eventually breaks free and actually looks good! XD When I find something at a thrift store that I can alter then it's like a light shines down from the heavens, all I have to do is make some changes to make it either fit properly or look right.
In the case of making your own cosplay, what sort of tips do you have?
Don't be afraid to test your skills. When I first started cosplaying I hadn't touched a sewing machine for 8 years and had only done a little work with patterns. You should do what you're good at, but always be willing to try something knew, experiment with your skills. You learn more from your mistakes than your successes, so if it doesn't work out the first time then you're simply one step closer to your goals, plus you know what not to do. Don't ever be afraid of failure cause it's not failure, it's a learning process.
Do you use wigs when cosplaying? Is there a specific reason why?
I use wigs as much as possible. I like to be able to represent a character as close as I can, and by wearing a wig I'm that much closer to being a good representation. Plus natural hair has proven to be not very photogenic, so wigs just work out better.
How do you approach wigs when styling?
I start with purchasing a wig that's as close to the style as I can, preferably with a bit of extra so I can trim it to the length I like. I don't exactly own a wig head, so my roommate has had to act as a living model for me a few times.
Often times cosplayers use makeup to accentuate their cosplay. Do you use makeup in cosplay, and if so, why?
I do use make up, and it's for the same reason as why I wear wigs. Makeup is a tool that can be used to transform yourself into someone new, s it'd be a shame not to take advantage. Plus, the camera has a tendency to pick out every little flaw that one can find on their face, so using makeup for me at least is preferable.
Some cosplayers find makeup a daunting task, so do you have any tips for them and makeup?
Just keep trying. Before cosplay I hated makeup with a passion, I only wore it when I had a stage performance I had to do and didn't want to look like a ghost. But through practicing and putting on makeup for cosplay I got better and better at it, now enjoying the process of making up my face for cosplay. If you don't know anything about make up, then don't be afraid to ask someone for tips.
For cosplayers, there’s always one aspect of getting on a costume they love. What is it for you?
That last moment before I leave the hotel room, when I'm checking over myself in the mirror. It just reminds me that it's actually happening, I'm about to go out into one of the best environments that I've ever experienced, and that makes me so excited.
Any dream cosplays you’d like to do?
Ooh boy, where do I start? I suppose my biggest dream would be to cosplay Samus from the Metroid games, the full suit. I may not be much of a video gamer, but I do still enjoy the occasional game, and that suit is going to be the biggest challenge I've ever taken on.
What about cosplays you know you’ll never do? Why are they something you’ll never do?
'm never going to cosplay male characters. Or at least, take on any new male characters, the few I have at the moment I'll still do. It's always been a difficult task to try to disguise my body for male, and while I believe that you should cosplay whatever you want, for myself I like to try to represent my characters to the best of my abilities, and I can't do that with men.
There’s a lot of conventions of all different sorts to go to, so which ones do you like to attend?
I'm partial to anime conventions, though comic books cons are always fun.
Is there a dream con you want to go to? If so, which one is it?
There are three conventions I am requiring myself to attend before I die. Anime Expo, SDCC, and (Re)Generation Who.
Finally, any inspirational words for those just starting to get into cosplay?
It doesn't matter how old you are, how young you are, what your religion is, where you live, whether you're a boy, girl, both, or neither. /Everyone/ can cosplay. Some people will try to talk you down, but don't let their words get to you because you shouldn't cosplay for anyone but yourself. So go do it, have fun, and send me a picture!